VC Summer Impacted Workers
If you were impacted by the V C Summer project shut down, these resources are designed to help you navigate this difficult time.
Job Fairs
Upcoming Job and Resource Fair events to help you connect with businesses in search of new talent.
November 8
Details to be announced soon!
Employment & Training Resources
Employ SC
Gov. Henry McMaster has created “Employ SC” to assist VC Summer Workers. Employ SC is a dynamic, rapid response coalition of public and private organizations that will connect impacted workers with employers and available jobs. Employ SC will also provide opportunities to connect with state agencies and workforce development groups
SC Works Online Services
SCWOS is fueled by South Carolina's largest workforce development database. If you are looking for a job, you’ll find a wealth of information - starting with thousands of positions listed by employers all over the state - to help in your job search. SCWOS links all of South Carolina's workforce services &resources.
SC Help
SC Help a program managed by the SC State Housing Authority that provides assistance to qualified homeowners who are having a hard time paying their mortgage because of financial hardship.
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA replaces and enhances the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998.
On-site Hiring Events
Join us for one of our on-site hiring events to meet one-on-one with employers looking for new talent. Every month, SC Works Midlands hosts employers in our centers for recruiting, interviewing and hiring opportunities. Please check our month calendar for employers, dates, times and locations.
SC 2-1-1
SC 211 is your resource for finding assistance in your local community. We keep a database of a wide variety of service providers including support groups, community clinics, counselors, shelters, food pantries, programs for seniors, and many more agencies in South Carolina. Call 2-1-1 any time--24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Workshops are a great opportunity to enhance your job search, gain new skills or learn about new career options. SC Works Midlands brings you dynamic presentations on wide range of topics every month. Please visit our Workshops page for the current calendar of events.
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment Insuarance (UI) is a nationwide program created to financially help eligible workers, who are unemployed through no fault of their own, while they actively search for new work. The UI program is administered by the South Carolina Department of Employment & Workforce. Click below to find out more or file a claim.
Employment Services
SC Works Midlands partners with South Carolina Department of Employment & Workforce to provide job search, resume preparation, and career counseling assistance among other services to all job seekers. For information on office hours and locations, please click below or on the locations tab.